Monday, May 7, 2012

TED talk Nancy Lubin

Mrs. Lubin did a great job of her TED talk. She was good at making jokes, about herself, but not so much that it makes the audiance uncomfortable.She seemed comfofrtable on stage, and refered to herself as " COP" or " cheif old person" at her company (in wich she is CEO). Though her presentationwas entertainig to watch, it was hard to dicern her point. from all the stories and jokes that she told. I was very interested to see a TED talk like this, which i had never seen before.

Ted talk Michal tilson Thomas.

Mr. Thomas made multiple good points about the society that amarica has now succumb to. He instead of like others, used bare facts to make his piont when others used humor and storie. Though his TED talk was less entertaining, it was most deffinately more factual, and the point he was trying to make was more pronounced. I can find both flaw and stregnth in the speech I was more entertained by the more humorus presentation, and I think that the audiance would be as well. From this I learned that though having the facts are important, it is also important to entertain his audiance.
Dainel Pinks TED talk was one of the most interesting that I have sen so far this session. HE seemed slightly uncomfortable on stage, but instead of leting it stay that way, he pointed it out, using humar to connect with the audaince and make them like him more. I also like his visual aid. THe way tha instead of just preaching about how we need to be a more right brained, he gives us examples and portfolios to give ud the oppourtunity to make the change. His point was also interesting, and I think that that can really effect the way that an audiance pays attention and appricates the presenter and the other aspects of the presentation.

Ted Talk Blog POst Number seven.

I watched Atheisum 2.0 for my most recent ted talk. This talk was very interesting to me because the presenter was tallking  on a subject that can make many people angry or uncomfortable. the presenter did a good job of remaining un- emotional throughout the presentation, just stating the facts. Along with his samart presentation, he did a good job of remaining unbiased twords one side or the oth, religion, or athisum. The humar that he brought to his project was also a nice tention breaker throughout the speech, because at times he would make a comment that would upset some peope, but instead of making a big deal out of it he simply pointed out that it may make some people uncomfortable, then laughed about ot brining the audiance in to laugh with him too. He did a goo job and set a good example of what I wwould like my TED talk to be like.

Clay Shirky

He does allot of joking and that warms up his audience and makes them more open to what he has to say. He also uses some great segways into the point that he wants to make. He uses stories in his life to help with his point. He makes a great point that people can relate to. He talks to the audience by saying WE making them feel more comfortable. This video personally conects to me because i agree with the point he makes, art is just as important as any other subjects. He pulls the audiance in with his passion and the storys he tells. The stories were very connectable. I like how he stands there and doesnt distract them with is moments and just lets them focus on his words. He also sums up the problem really well at the end.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Dave Eggers TED talk 7

He seems a little nervous, it would be smart of him to stop and take a deep breath. He seems to be able to recover from his stumbles with humor, that is a smart tactic, it helps him to become more connected to the audiance.His sotry flows well and when he does stumble he recovers quickly. I appriciate the fact that even though he his nervous he can make the story fun and funny.  the finnal call to acion was nice having one of those is great and shows the finna. The TED wish at the end made his speech come together and the audiance appriciate him more.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sir Ken Robinson Blog 1

He does allot of joking and that warms up his audience and makes them more open to what he has to say. He also uses some great segways into the point that he wants to make. He uses stories in his life to help with his point. He makes a great point that people can relate to. He talks to the audience by saying WE making them feel more comfortable. This video personally conects to me because i agree with the point he makes, art is just as important as any other subjects. He pulls the audiance in with his passion and the storys he tells. The stories were very connectable. I like how he stands there and doesnt distract them with is moments and just lets them focus on his words. He also sums up the problem really well at the end.